Showing posts tagged: Finance Friday
If you're looking for ways to get rich, or at least richer than you are now, signing a 30-year loan doesn't exactly sound like the best idea, but buying a home can be a great way to start building wealth.
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Because talking about finances really can be romantic. Here's how to do it.
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Call it a personal preference (or a history of buying too many things that are waaay out of your budget), but credit cards are just not for you. You've gotten by this far using just cash and checks, and you're happy to keep it that way. But when it comes to building good credit, is it possible without a card? We've got some solutions.
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Is the rent (or your mortgage) too d*mn high? Do you ever think about moving farther away from work to take advantage of lower real estate values? Think again. That might not be as smart as it seems.
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Saving for a down payment on a house? Here are 14 cheap or free dates to enjoy while you build your nest egg.
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There are lots of good reasons to refinance. But that doesn’t mean it’s the right option for you. Here are seven things to consider before you decide.
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Your mortgage may be the biggest bill you pay every month, so don’t miss out on the tax benefits of a home loan. The interest from your primary mortgage and a home equity loan, or second mortgage, might save you money at the end of the year (at least a little).
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How can women be more involved with and in control of their financial future? We talked with financial planner Brittney Castro to find out.
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